Though we do not give blanket permission for unlimited use of material from the magazine, we do allow one-time use of specific meditations in church newsletters or similar publications. You (or your church) would need to ask permission for each use of material. We place three conditions on re-printing meditations:

The material must be reprinted exactly as it appears in the magazine, without editing, including the name of the author of the meditation. It cannot be used as a springboard for additional comment since this could cast the author's message in a context not intended by the writer.

The page where the material appears must include this notice: "This material is reprinted from The Upper Room® Magazine, copyright (date) by The Upper Room®, Inc., P.O. Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004, and is used by permission of the publisher."

Reprinted material cannot be used in any way in connection with fund-raising activities or in resources that will be sold.

Please send permission requests to the editorial office. Be sure to include the quote you want to use, the page number and magazine issue from which you got the material, and how the material will be used. Send your requests to: [email protected]


Rights and Permissions
The Upper Room Magazine
PO Box 340004
Nashville, TN 37203-0004